Monday, September 8, 2008

Sizing up the Vice-Presidential Candidates

Since we have found out that Sen. Joe Biden (Dem.) and Gov. Sarah Palin (Rep.) have been selected as the Vice Presidential candidates, it is time we find out where they stand on certain issues.

On the issue of Energy and Oil, both candidates believe that it is important for the U.S. to produce more oil and gas in our own country instead of depending on outside sources. However, one key sub-topic that the candidates differ in opinion on is off-shore drilling. Palin believes that it is necessary to begin off-shore drilling on places such as the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Biden, on the other hand, does not support any type of off-shore drilling. He is focused on finding renewable sources of energy to limit the dependency on foreign oil. Clearly, both candidates have differing ideas on how to make the U.S. more energy efficient.

Another key issue in this election is the War in Iraq. Sen. Biden, like the majority of Democrats, believes that it is time to begin pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq. The plan that Biden has drawn up would have U.S. troops out of Iraq by 2013 if there is no political resolution. Palin supports the U.S. troops in Iraq, but she would also like to see an exit plan be put into effect. In a sense, Biden and Palin agree on removing the troops in Iraq at some point, which is a rather interesting agreement.

A third and final issue where the candidates can be compared is the issue of immigration. This issue is important to many Americans because it affects the economy. Sen. Biden has different views on certain aspects of immigration. He is opposed to giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and supports the idea of building a fence on the border. However, he is in favor of allowing illegal immigrants to take part in Social Security. Gov. Palin, on the other hand has not shown much of an opinion on the issue of immigration at all. This could be due to the fact that in Alaska, there are not many immigrants to begin with. Although Sen. Biden may have different opinions on certain aspects of immigration, at least he has an opinion to begin with.

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