Monday, September 1, 2008

McCain selects Alaska's Palin as VP

On August 29 Republican Presidential nominee John McCain made a bold selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. The selection of Palin will undoubtedly excite conservatives, as well as attract female voters to the McCain campaign. An interesting article written by Ed Rollins of CNN discusses a Republican's viewpoint of why this selection was justifiable.

Obviously, Democrats will have a different opinion on the selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate. Palin is in her first term as governor of Alaska, therefore her experience is rather limited. Democrats will likely highlight this as a major strike against Palin. McCain will be second guessed for choosing Palin over more experienced candidates such as Joe Lieberman or Mitt Romney. Paul Begala of CNN wrote a very opinionated article on McCain's selction from a Democrat's perspective.

Recently, it has become known that Gov. Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant. It is now likely that many people will become caught up in this personal storyline instead of focusing on political storyline surrounding Palin. In this day and age we are more inclined to take interest in notable people's personal lives instead of their professional lives. MSNBC contributor Brian Alexander wrote an opinion piece in which he discussed why politics is more important than pregnancy in the situation surrounding Gov. Palin.

In response to the news that GOP running mate Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant, Sen. Barack Obama has stated that he will not address the situation in his campaign. This decision shows a great deal of class by Obama. It shows that he knows where to draw the line when it comes to campaigning, eliminating the candidates personal lives from politics.

1 comment:

Doug said...

interesting topic. What kind of stories can you do locally about this?